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Skillshare Tutorials – Animate a 3D futuristic cuboid in Blender Free Download


About This Class
In this class, I will show you how to create and animate a futuristic cuboid using displacement and some lighting and animation tricks in Blender.

We will use a simple cube to start with and use textures we generate from JSPlacement to displace, shade and light the model.

The course is packed with tips and tricks resulting in beautiful and quick results and goes over everything from generating the textures, modelling the cube, shading and lighting the scene to composite and render the animation.

The resources you need are:

Blender which you can download from https://www.blender.org/
JS Placement to generate textures that will be the basis of the project.
https://color.adobe.com/ to choose a generate a colour palette.

This course doesn’t include Project Resource files.

Skillshare Tutorials – Animate a 3D futuristic cuboid in Blender Free Download




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