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Brandon Li – Unscripted Studio Free Download

What Is Unscripted Studio?
Unscripted Studio is the name of the course Brandon Li created to, as I heard him say in his announcement video, teach people how to make travel films. More specifically, it will teach you how to make travel films like Brandon makes travel films. That is to say that you will be ditching those unmotivated, slow-mo shots of tourist destinations for motivated, real-time gimbal shots.

Okay, not all the time. But, it is clear that Brandon has a distinct style that, I think, is the bees knees.

Here are the benefits you can expect by taking a Brandon’s course:

Mastery of handheld filmmaking
Confidence in improvising a story when traveling
Mastery of gimbal movements
Proficiency in Final Cut Pro X
In-depth knowledge of different narrative structures
Courses Offered By Unscripted Studio
As of 2020, Brandon has released a number of courses/sections in Unscripted Studio. They are bundled together when you purchase Unscripted Studio. The ones currently released include:

Camera Basics
Gear Recommendations
Planning & Pre-Production
Improvised Storytelling Bootcamp
Handheld Shooting Bootcamp
Gimbal Bootcamp
Gimbal Masterclass
Editing Bootcamp
Making a Travel Film from Concept to Completion
& Building Your Video Business Bootcamp
Brandon Li’s Course Content Style
Brandon is a strong teacher. The production quality on the videos is very high, the videos are well thought out and clearly outlined, and are engaging throughout. I really enjoy that Brandon not only teaches you the technical “how to” of what he is teaching, but explains the aesthetics and how those choices affect the mood and story of your piece. For example, he may teach about natural lighting and expand upon it by explaining how different natural lights can set different moods. He may teach about story arcs and beats, and explain how this type of story arc may be more relevant to a particular story. For someone that wants to take their storytelling to a whole new level, Brandon is the one that can take you there.

I also liked that each of the lessons have little chapter markers that let you navigate to what he will cover for each of the different sections. It made it pretty useful to quickly jump to a certain section, especially if I was reviewing a video I’d already seen and wanted to jump right into where my question is answered.

Story Is King To Make Travel Films
Brandon’s big differentiator from the competition is his understanding of narrative and aesthetics. It’s clear that he not only has read up on many filmmaking books and studied the techniques, but he also knows how to use them to move the audience. Even upon writing this review, I hope that you don’t think you are going to be lectured at by some dude about film aesthetics. It is seriously engaging and cool and fun and nerdy and awesome – all combined. It’s the kind of stuff you want to learn because it helps you become a better filmmaker and it’s entertaining to see him passionately teach about this stuff that I personally geek out about.

Brandon Li’s Course Is A Hidden Gem
I really don’t have much more to add to this review. It’s an amazing course, covering materials that other instructors haven’t really covered in detail. It feels like a hidden gem of a course to me. If you decide to take the next step, you can see an introduction video and see if it is a good fit for you. Just click the link below and it’ll take you to a quick form. After filling it out, you’ll get your invite to join. You won’t regret it.

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Brandon Li – Unscripted Studio Free Download

https://uploadhub.to/folder/506/Brandon_Li_-_Unscripted_Studio (6.16GB)

https://uploadrar.com/yk3kba7fw9g0 (4GB)
https://uploadrar.com/nak3h2crd0z5 (2.16GB)

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