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AEScripts Pixel Bender Accelerator v1.2.3 Full Version Free Download

Runs Pixel Bender filters natively using the GPU of your video card. Besides making them run very fast it also means you can run pixel bender files in CS6 and above!

Pixel Bender Accelerator (PBA) is a native After Effects plugin that runs Pixel Bender filters using the GPU of your video card.  Besides making them run very fast it also means you can run pixel bender files in CS6 and above!

Pixel Bender is a video processing language that allows for easy creation of image and video processing filters. You can use the Pixel Bender language to implement image processing algorithms (filters or effects) in a hardware-independent manner.

Now supports Pixel Bender Graphs (.pbg) as well as Kernels (.pbk)!

PBA translates Pixel Bender files (.pbk or .pbg) to OpenGL Shading Language (GLSL), compiles and runs them on the GPU of your video card which is much faster at image processing tasks than your CPU. Because this is a native plugin it means you can now run .pbg and .pbk files in CS6 and above! (Adobe discontinued support for Pixel Bender in CS6 so without this plugin you cannot run pbk files in CS6)

Please note: that there are some limitations so please download the free trial and try your Pixel Bender files first before purchasing.

Important compatibility note for CC2015

On Mac OSX 10.11(El Capitan), to apply the effect from Effect Menu causes crash AE. Apply the effect by launcher script; PBA_Launcher.

If a filter applied by the script is not rendered push the “Reset” button on the top of effect panel after your apply the filter.

Please note: This product DOES NOT INCLUDE Pixel Bender files.

After Effects 2020, CC 2019, CC 2018, CC 2017, CC 2015.3, CC 2015, CC 2014, CC, CS6, CS5.5, CS5

AEScripts Pixel Bender Accelerator v1.2.3 Full Version Free Download

[button-red url=”https://www39.zippyshare.com/v/ymyN6zHO/file.html” target=”_blank” position=”center”]Download from Zippyshare [5 MB][/button-red]

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