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AEScripts AFTER EFFECTS – The Power of Expression (e-book) Free Download

An easy and global approach to learning everything you have to know about using expressions in Adobe After Effects! Available as a beautiful hardcover book or downloadable eBook.

Trying to learn Expression can prove to be a laborious journey for a regular user, not because it’s a difficult language but because all of the materials and resources to learn it are spread everywhere, it can be even more frustrating when the After Effects user has to leave the software to learn coding for After Effects through other coding sources such as JavasScript websites. I experienced this firsthand and when it came to learning Expression, you just can’t find a precise answer where to start or a global approach, this book is exactly what I wish I had found.

WHAT IS EXPRESSION? A simple language

Expression is the language that allows to program or link the properties in Adobe After Effects. When you don’t know anything about coding in general, it can look scary and inaccessible but trust me Expression is very logical and you just need to know a few terms to be able to write, read and decipher an expression. My goal with this book was to lighten things up, to make clear what can appear complex, but in the end is a very beautiful and simple tool that will bring harmony to your project.

WHO NEEDS IT? Everyone

From apprentice to expert, this book is made for everyone with the desire to find inner peace in their workflow or project. In a fast pace world where we need to produce more, collaborate with more people, integrate a ton of feedback, keep things consistent, and at the same time pushing to be more innovative: Expression is the ideal tool. Have you ever heard of “the hidden grid behind a great design”? Expression can be this grid that gives your animation an invisible surface of inexplicable greatness. The advantage of working with Expression is that whether you work with a team, or from an existing project, or have to build your own template: you need to make your project clear and easily editable. Expression is the perfect language to communicate with other After Effects artists. Expression is a simple and powerful tool for everyone, and for everything, boosting your productivity so you have more time to spend on the most important task: being creative. Going beyond this point, it will help you understand more how After Effects works and use it to its full potential.


I will assume that you’re a bit familiar with After Effects, like the basics, other than that you don’t need to have any knowledge of Expression or any other coding language. We will start from a blank page everything will be covered. It will be pretty straightforward, just codes and results. To be even more optimistic, I would say you don’t need to know After Effects to understand this book.

WHY A BOOK? A complete course

Expression is still a written language so it’s still easier to focus by learning it through reading rather than watching a video tutorial. The purpose of this book is for you to have a reference where you can quickly search, learn, and review the terms necessary for you to use Expression in your daily work in After Effects. And most of all, It’s a complete course; you’ll fully know a new language by the end of this book, and how cool is that?

AEScripts AFTER EFFECTS – The Power of Expression (e-book) Free Download





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