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AEScripts Roll it! v1.2 for After Effects Full Version for Windows & Macintosh

Painless and super fun way to roll any shape or mask in After Effects.

What is it?
Roll it can roll any complex shapes in After Effects. Honestly, it’s more fun that it sounds! Try it. Select a shape or group of shapes and click a button – now go and modify Rotation property under layers Transform group and watch it roll!

Roll it handles complex shapes with ease. Rest assured that it will roll whatever you throw at it. No limits, except parametric shapes of course, which have to be converted to Bezier Paths before rolling.

Want to roll a Mask instead of a Shape? You got it! Just select a mask and click the button – and it’s set up. What about rolling an entire layer? Easy! Add a full layer Mask and set its mode to None. Kaboom!!!

Roll it has 3 options: Rolling on Shape and Mask, Shape only and Mask only. In case of a shape layer with a mask on it, it will take into account both properties by default. SHIFT+click to roll specifically on Shape property or CMD+click to roll on Mask property. This applies when you have a selected layer without any nested properties selected. To roll on a specific shape/mask path, simply select that property and click a button – unselected properties will be ignored and shape will roll only on targeted paths.


Precise edge detection.
Handles highly complex shapes.
Works with compound shapes.
Supports both Shapes and Masks.
More fun than it sounds.
Roll it works with Bezier shapes, so all the parametric shapes such as rectangle, ellipse, and star, must be converted to a Bezier shape. To do so twirl open the shape layer and right-click the shape path for example, Rectangle 1, and select Convert To Bezier Path.
Roll it does not work with animated shapes due to high level of trigonometric calculations inside expressions, that would otherwise bog down your system.
Roll it is fully compatible with Bodymovin, so all animations exported via Bodymovin extension can be played on the web via the bodymovin player or natively in iOS and Android through Lottie. Check out a handfull of animations and grab AEP project files exported with Bodymovin on lottiefiles.com

After EffectsCC 2019, CC 2018, CC 2017, CC 2015.3, CC 2015, CC 2014, CC, CS6

AEScripts Roll it! v1.2 for After Effects Full Version for Windows & Macintosh

[button-red url=”https://www11.zippyshare.com/v/UJyBnh3U/file.html” target=”_blank” position=”center”]Download from Zippyshare [27 MB][/button-red]


[button-green url=”https://intoupload.net/yasvv06d7sdk” target=”_blank” position=”center”]Download from IntoUpload [27 MB][/button-green]

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