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Battle Axe Timelord 1.1.1 for After Effects Full Version for Windows & Macintosh Free Download

Timelord is designed to simplify frame-based animation in Photoshop and Animate and majorly improve the export and render pipeline between apps.

Timelord. Animating the hard way, but way easier.
Use it as a full frame-by-frame pipeline, or the easiest way to add drawn elements to After Effects, or like Overlord for Photoshop.

Based on layer transfer systems made popular in Overlord and AEUX, it is now possible to render timeline layers to disk and automatically import into Ae.

Ps/An timeline → Ae

Selected layers as PNG sequences and SWFs.

Ae comp → Ps/An

MP4 reference renders.

Ps layers → Ae

Yep, it’s like Overlord.

Whether you call it cel, frame-by-frame, or drawn animation, it takes a lot of work. Spend more time drawing and worry less about how to manage frames.

Take control of groups of frames across multiple layers with matching toolbars in Photoshop and Animate.

Gonna go back in time
Drawn animation is about timing, and timing is all about the length of frames. Increase and decrease frame duration or roll the edit point between frames while maintaining layer length –like video editing.

Become the master of time, or some sort of time-lord. ????

Consistency upgraded
Create timelines to match Ae comps –or the other way around. Add new layers ready to draw, and duplicate blank layers with timing for cleanup. Add, remove, duplicate, split and clear frames with the same behaviors in Ps and An.

Working between apps has never been more intuitive.

Tools that grow.gif
Tools that grow
New to drawn animation? The default layout has everything you need to get started.

Are you a pro with a well established pipeline? Toolbars are customizable with additional functionality for more niche workflows.

Enjoy the journey.

Battle Axe Timelord 1.1.1 for After Effects Full Version for Windows & Macintosh Free Download






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